Friday, 17 August 2018

The Modern Learners Lens - Thursday 16th August

The Modern Learners Lens

Ākonga are capable of producing works of amazing beauty and impact. 

Access to learning has significantly changed. 

Technologies like podcasts and Youtube are being used to solve real problems e.g. electric shoes.

Culture needs to support this change in learning

New Zealand Schools are taking up the challenge of Modern Learning, leading the example for other schools world wide. Leading and being a part of change. Political climate and autonomy of us as teachers.

Harsh understanding of the difficulty of change. The shift hasn't been consistent across the school but impressed with our short journey. 

The clarity of the shared vision and common purpose (including language for staff, students and community). A clear rationale for doing what we do and articulate this. e.g. marketing campaign. Research - evidence is important to combat criticism. Conform to the assessment but its not our focus e.g. dispositions rather than standards.


Biggest barrier to this is communication to the wider community e.g newsletters, public, media, politicians. Experience of people who have done this. Students coming home and talking to their parents.

"IT" is - when play is valued, self directed, passion leading learning, agency is enabled, experiential learning, empowered. Working from who the ākonga are not making them fit in the model.  Content is not the point. Kids are naturally curious.

All ākonga are capable and would benefit but they should have the opportunity to do it.  Ākonga are the ones who will push back the most because they are used to the system.

The value has changed for the kaiako and kura. Powerful but different - teachers role e.g. inspiring and caring.

"TALENT SEARCH" Identify what they love but also give chances to explore a variety of different experiences.

BARRIER - confidence, living the belief, historical narrative          
 SUCCESS - flow, social, choice and agency, do your ākonga want to keep learning

Papert Quotes:"Every maker of video games knows something that the makers of curriculum don't seem to understand. You'll never see a video game being advertised as being easy. Kids who do not like school will tell you it's not because it's too hard. It's because it's--boring"
"The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge."
Equity - not predetermined outcomes not the "same" education, not prescribed. 
Deeper learner: what they want,  how they want and when they want
Write down and publish their beliefs. e.g High Tech High 
Teacher Directed - explicit instruction (can be a useful tool) application is the important part
Piaget "act of teaching - denies chance for discovery"
Curriculum - strategy brought out when ākonga need it. 
Used at the right place at the right time so the ākonga still have ownership of it.
Network of conversations! 

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